My colleagues at IBM have asked me to invite you to participate in a unique prediction market experiment called the “Smarter Cities Predictive Idea Markets”.
Prediction Markets harness the collective intelligence of a community to gain predictive insight, and often even outperform the experts – as was the case in the 2008 US Presidential election. They utilize stock market principles where participants get play money to “trade” ideas.
IBM’s Smarter Cities Predictive Idea Markets will allow you, along with other thought leaders, to further explore questions, ideas and opportunities that emerged and help determine which ideas may have the greatest chance for success.
Participation is easy. Just visit the Smarter Cities Predictive Idea Markets Web site and register. Once you’re registered, you can choose a market and begin making trades. The markets are open till September 13th, 2009 11:59 EDT. Please feel free to share this invitation with other individuals that might be interested in participating – all submissions will remain confidential and only aggregated trading results will be shared across the community.
Complete details are on the Smarter Cities Predictive Idea Markets Web site. Participation requires less than 5 minutes and every participant will receive a full set of results and insights at the beginning of October.
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to take part in this experiment, share your insights, and see the collective opinions of your peers on the future of Smarter Cities.