A recent JWT press release 10 Trends That Will Shape Our World in 2012 caught my eye. The press release announced the publication of JWT’s seventh annual forecast of key trends that will impact consumer decision making and purchase behavior.
This is a good annual list to take a look at for those in the B2C world. Consumer behavior is shifting constantly and it’s important to understand why, how, and where those shifts are happening.
To research and develop it’s top ten list, JWT uses data gathered via quantitative surveys of consumers in the U.S. and U.K. as well as input from JWT employees, clients, and other influencers across a number of industries.
JWT’s Top Ten Trends: Themes uncovered in the survey data include uncertainty about the economic future, the ongoing drumbeat of new technology in our lives, and and a new theme of shared responsibility with a focus on making better food purchase decisions.
Here’s my summary of the ten trends on JWT’s list…
- Navigating the New Normal: Continued economic conditions force brands to develop new entry points for cost-sensitive consumers.
- Live a Little: Overstressed consumers look to splurge once in a while or at least escape from the many worries of the day.
- Generation Go: Enabled by technology, twentysomethings grow up and transform themselves, with many of them starting their own business
- The Rise of Shared Value: Increasingly, some corporations are deciding that making a profit and being socially responsible can be achieved at the same time.
- Food as the New Eco-Issue: The environmental impact of our food choices will become a more prominent concern.
- Marriage Optional: Increasingly, women are taking an alternate life route, one that doesn’t include marriage as an essential checkpoint.
- Reengineering Randomness: Greater emphasis will be placed on reintroducing randomness, discovery, inspiration and different points of view into our worlds.
- Screened Interactions: Consumers are increasingly expecting to interact (touch, gesture, speech) with flat screens and surfaces
- Celebrating Aging: Medical and cultural advances help seniors redefine what it means to grow old.
- Objectifying Objects: Technology increasingly gets 1) embedded in all sorts of objects and 2) enables the creation of totally new products and services
For More Information
- JWT press release 10 Trends That Will Shape Our World in 2012
- The full report “10 Trends for 2012” report is available at http://jwtintelligencecatalog.com/10trendsfor2012.aspx
- An executive summary slide deck has been posted on Slideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/jwtintelligence/jwt-10-trends-for-2012-executive-summary
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Posted by: telemarketing leads | August 24, 2012 at 06:52 AM