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December 23, 2011


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The big trends today of social, mobile, cloud, and analytics are all putting more pressure on IT security professionals today to provide an infrastructure that can withstand almost any type of attack.

The costs of both the Medicare and social security programs are increasing rapidly as the population ages, and as the population ages the voting power of the elderly increases, placing additional pressure on a budget already disproportionately devoted to supporting the least economically productive members of society.

I certainly see the increase in managed security services. Businesses will face a growing need for security and atthe same time the growing complexity of IT security will facilitate the outsourcing to knwoledgable companies and with the lower risk of a fixed monthly price.

Information technology (IT) has become one of the most valuable businesses of today. It is worth knowing how trends in the market have kept IT experts delve into creating new ways to keep people interested and updated on significant changes.

Excellent post and people around the world will certainly get much through reading it. I'll come back again and again to read such articles.

I think this list has proven to be true. We can only wait and see what 2013 has in store. More green technology will be entering the home. We'll be doing good if we can go anywhere without looking at a touchscreen.

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