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December 08, 2011


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The Next Generation of Consumer Engagement will Leverage Consumers’ Social Graphs

I have to say this post was certainly informative and contains useful content for enthusiastic visitors.

interesting list. thanks

This is my first comment but I feel like I should have been making loads of comments now because I always like your stuff. Maybe comments are for more hit and miss blogs than your own. When you maintain a consistent level of high quality output I reckon people are less inclined to comment because they have come to expect it from you. Just a theory.

Surprisingly that video made me smile. :) We've got so many responsibilities but before anything we must have an answer to that 'big' question.

Good stuff. Thank you so so much for sharing your knowledge with world through the Internet. Wonderful blog and post you got here

The author of your blogs and articles and contents is appreciating.

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