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October 26, 2011


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Interacting with potential customers this way is great for the business, as long as you don't sell directly on facebook.
Nice list ;)

I’ve been busy doing lots of research into how social media is being used by corporations. I thought I’d share with you one piece of analysis I’ve done on B2C Branded Facebook pages.

Word on the street is that changes to the bill are forthcoming, but it may take some time for it to happen.

Where else can large corporations find potential customers but on the social media! It is great on what they do through the web, they talk to customers and organize gimmicks in their pages to attract even more customers. This sounds fun and I’m gonna give this a try. Thanks for sharing!

These companies are certainly doing something right in terms of their social engagement to their target audience. Banking on the advantages of social media to promote your company is a good thing. Since majority of the target audience are involved in social media, it is wise for companies to reach out to them using the social platform that the target audience uses. In addition, using the same social platform as the audience would make them feel that you are communicating with them on a personal level.

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