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November 08, 2010


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I completely agree with you, marketing has really taken a different turn in the recent times. We have to keep experimenting with new marketing strategies to survive in the respective industry. Video marketing is one of those. Nice article, has some great information about marketing.

@Stewart...thanks for stopping by and for your comments here. I'm glad you liked the post.

Good post...I think online privacy issues will be huge in 2011 - really could change a lot of things.

Online privacy will be huge in 2011- could change everything.

@Henry...thanks for stopping by. Yes, the privacy issues our society is facing today are historical in nature. Future generations will look back to this time in history as a point in time where governments either went to great lengths to protect the privacy of the individual or they looked the other way.

Hi Bill,

With regard to item #8 above, My Customer Cloud has already made a Twitter integration available. We connect tweets into a live chat system letting businesses use Twitter for customer conversation in near real time.

i like to read your posts. thanks for this one.

I believe that technology doesn't stop from ones innovation to another. From generation to generation knowledge are upgraded beyond all ideas and come up come up to a better innovation. Marketing strategies changes according to trend as well. From a years ago marketing uses hard copies and all adds to attract consumers. Now marketing has another phase towards it. Social media was the most powerful tool that help advertisers minimize effort but attract wide range of consumers.

You make some great points, but I actually see #10 as a pitfall. Digital marketing IS becoming a priority, but shouldn't the priority always be effective and efficient marketing? The right selection of the digital marketing "islands" you refer to provides effective, efficient marketing, but the wrong or no selection (let's just try all of it) is a great way to overextend marketing spend and company time. As an added problem, when content is pushed out in real-time, mistakes are easier to make, and brands can be damaged faster. I 100% agree digital marketing has the best options 99% of the time... but when "digital marketing" in GENERAL becomes a priority rather than a field in which to find EFFECTIVE marketing, I see potential problems.

Nice post, Bill.

I do agree with the previous comment re. #10. The focus needs to be on optimising the use of digital AND/OR traditional tactics over time, based on insights about each specific target audience in each market, plus meaningful ongoing metrics. No two audiences will be the exactly same, so the mix of activities that work for one audience won't necessarily work for another.

One of the key challenges I see for 2011 is the seemingly limitless number of ways we can engage with each targeted audience. (Just think of all those new ‘islands’ of marketing capabilities - and then consider the myriad of different social sites globally...)

I think the days are numbered where multi-nationals can simply create materials for: TV, print, banner ads, text links, company web pages etc and have each market localise and traffic them into the local versions of their set media channels. To provide optimal relevance, a digital marketing strategy needs to be locally crafted for each targeted audience in each market, based on that audience's psychographics and online & offline behaviors. That will require significant changes in research & analytics capabilities, business processes, funding models etc.

The Internet certainly has turned into a game changer for marketing.

Great article! I love it. I learned that we should always be updated in technology. Thanks for the new trends, I learned a lot.

Completely agree - integration will be the key for 2011 - it cant be fully optimised without being so.

Hi!your post is very cool and Very interesting post - Might be old new, but it was new to me.

This is marketing evolution: As the world becomes more advanced, the strategies, tactics, goals and standards also get advanced. And now that most of the population relies on the internet, the more it boosts marketing to keep up with the trend. But this is not to cut down the traditional ones; it is just one effective tool to bring a marketing plan into success. To be specific, it can just be part of the strategies and tactics of the whole plan itself.

This is indeed so correct! Thanks for sharing.

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