Are you aware of some non-emergency issues going on in your community that if fixed that could help improve the quality of life in your town? Some examples might be:
- A dangerous intersection for pedestrians
- A bike lane that is always blocked
- An area that always floods whenever it rains
- A building with broken windows
- A vacant lot that needs to be cleaned up
- Potholes on a certain street that never get fixed
- Cracked sidewalks that need to be fixed
- Unsafe activity going on in your neighborhood
The SeeClickFix Challenge:
There’s a very interesting crowdsourcing effort going on I thought you might be interested in checking out. The folks at SeeClickFix have partnered up with IBM’s Smarter Cities Scan in an effort called the “SeeClickFix Challenge on the Smarter Cities Scan”
SeeClickFix empowers residents to actively care for and improve their neighborhoods by engaging them to report on things they think needs to be ‘fixed’ by posting information of those things on the web. Residents pinpoint the exact location on a map and can upload pictures of the problem. The IBM Smarter Cities Scan team recognized this service as a novel approach to help us all improve the cities we live in. So the two teams are now partnering in this unique social collaboration challenge. The crowdsourcing effort will run from February 8-21 on the Smarter Cities Scan. And you can participate!
How You Can Participate:
- See - spot a non-emergency issue in your neighborhood, go to and enter your city name to begin the process
- Click - “Report an Issue” to open a ticket describing the issue and what can be done to resolve it
- Fix - Monitor your ticket and the issue you reported to see how your city responded.
- Share – Go back to the Smarter Cities Scan site and report on your SeeClickFix experience by sharing your SeeClickFix story. We want to understand how citizens and communities put SeeClickFix to new uses in all urban environments. In the process perhaps we can generate some new ideas on how to make our cities better places to live in. So please share your story!!
I just entered my first ‘problem’ into the SeeClickFix database for my community and found the process easy. There’s a walking/bike path in my community that needs repairing in a certain spot. It is not paved and doesn’t drain well…so it gets all muddy. The path is just a few feet from a 50mph road and I am worried some runner or biker will slip and fall into traffic.
Want More Information?
- To learn more about how SeeClickFix works, see “How It Works”
- For more about this challenge, see this Smarter Cities post on Tumblr
- Got a question? Use the Ask feature and you shall be answered.
- Got something fixed via SeeClickFix? Post a story
Spread The News!
The more people we have contributing stories, the more we all learn in the process. Help publicize this collaboration challenge to your social networks via email, Facebook, and Twitter (use tag #seeclickfix). And If you blog, consider authoring a post about this challenge as I have done here.
Your post sounds interesting,I better click the link and found out more of this SeeClickFix.
Posted by: document management system | March 28, 2010 at 10:06 PM