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February 25, 2009


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Thats a great list, I think we share the same vision.
Many of these blend well together, a virtual world in the cloud that outputs to a 3d printer for instance.

There will always be lingering questions that hovers in the minds of decision makers and stakeholders. How proven are these technologies? How will it help our organization? Why should we even bother investing on these technologies? There's no question in my mind, that these technologies can certainly offer wide-array of operational and business benefit to Federal and Commercial operations. It's daunting just thinking and reading about what single technology can do and how it could potentially benefit a process, project, organization and company as a whole. If I was a CTO, I would love to have control of some visual or a dashboard that will give me some understanding of the technologies by seeing the following:
* When the technology was introduced
* Where it was introduced
* How is this technology applicable to the organization (Federal, Commercial) and more specific to certain business sectors.
* What is currently being worked on to its fruition and who's currently using it? And what are the benefits that can be introduced by using this technology? Just my two cents.

Keith...wonderful idea to have a dashboard on emerging technologies.

I think your trends pretty much cover the future. Well done.

Two remarks:

I-never look at just 1 trend at a time, but look at the multitude and convergence of trends;

II-in order to retrieve the full impact of all these trends, the technology sector needs to develop a global personal dashboard. A dashboard is 1 screen, a global and personal information-, communication-, transaction- and privacy-control centre, that embeds all information you need to a) run your life or b) run your business. See more at:

Who wil create this dahboard? It is such an obvious missing link in the evolution of the earth (and besides, extremely profitable).

Marcel Bullinga, Dutch Futurist & Speaker
[email protected]

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